Saturday, February 8, 2025

Change your clocks, change your batteries


OLYMPIA– Daylight savings time will begin on Sunday, March 10 at 2 a.m. local time. Clocks will go ahead one hour; part of the twice-annual time change that affects Washington State.

The Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office along with the National Fire Protection Association want to remind residents to change their home smoke alarm batteries when changing your clocks. Because working smoke alarms are a critical element of home fire safety, the SFMO supports any and all efforts to reinforce the importance of working smoke alarm batteries. It’s simple – working smoke alarms save lives.

When it comes to smoke alarms, the SFMO asks that you follow these safety tips:

  • Install smoke alarms in every bedroom. They should also be outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home. They should also be interconnected – if one sounds, they all sound.
  • Test smoke alarms at least once a month. Press the test button to be sure the alarm is working.
  • A smoke alarm should be on the ceiling or high on a wall.
  • Keep smoke alarms away from the kitchen to reduce false alarms. They should be at least 10 feet (3 meters) from the stove.
  • Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Smoke alarms with non-replaceable 10-year batteries are designed to remain effective for up to 10 years. If the alarm chirps, warning that the battery is low, replace the entire smoke alarm right away.
  • There are smoke alarms for the hearing impaired. Smoke alarms that are equipped with strobe lights flash when the smoke alarm sounds. The lights warn people of a possible fire.
  • For those who are hearing impaired and are asleep, a pillow or bed shaker device can wake them so that they can escape. Most shakers are activated by the sound of a smoke alarm. Research products and select the ones that best meet your needs.
  • Don’t Forget – A closed door may slow the spread of smoke, heat, and fire, so close the doors to your bedroom every evening before going to sleep.

For more information, contact the State Fire Marshal’s Office at 360-596-3929.


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