Wednesday, October 16, 2024
From the Publisher

Supporting nonprofits is essential for thriving communities


Across North Central Washington, nonprofits are the threads that bind our communities together, weaving a fabric of support, compassion, and progress. From food banks that nourish the hungry to shelters that offer refuge, from crisis counselors who lend an ear to arts programs that inspire – these organizations form an essential safety net and enrichment system that neither government nor private enterprise can fully provide.

The value of nonprofits is immeasurable, yet their resources are often scarce. Operating on the generosity of donors and the dedication of volunteers, these organizations face a perpetual balancing act between meeting critical needs and maintaining financial stability. It is important for us, as members of the community, to recognize that the vitality of these indispensable institutions hinges on our collective support.

To view our contributions to nonprofits merely as acts of charity is to underestimate their true impact. In reality, every dollar donated, every hour volunteered, is an investment in the health and vibrancy of our shared community. When we support a local food bank, we're not just filling empty stomachs; we're nourishing the potential for a more equitable society. When we contribute to mental health services, we're not just aiding individuals; we're strengthening the resilience of our entire community.

The dividends of this investment are far-reaching. Nonprofits don't just serve; they stimulate local economies, create jobs, and foster a spirit of empathy that ripples through our neighborhoods. They are often the first responders in times of crisis and the steady hands guiding long-term community development. Their ability to adapt quickly to emerging needs makes them invaluable assets, especially during unforeseen challenges like natural disasters or public health emergencies.

However, the effectiveness of nonprofits is directly proportional to the support they receive – not just during times of high-profile crises, but consistently, throughout the year. While financial contributions are crucial, support can take many forms. Volunteering time, offering professional skills, or even simply raising awareness through social media can make a significant impact. The key is engagement – showing up and being part of the solution.

As we look to the future, let us recognize that the strength of our communities lies not just in economic indicators or technological advancements, but in our capacity for compassion and collective action. Supporting our local nonprofits is more than a charitable act; it's a declaration of our values and an investment in the kind of world we wish to inhabit.

In the coming months, I urge you to explore the nonprofits operating in our region. Find an organization whose mission resonates with you and inquire about ways to contribute. Your involvement, whatever form it takes, will help ensure that our communities continue to thrive and that no one is left behind.

Together, we can build a stronger, more resilient, and more compassionate North Central Washington.

Terry Ward is the CEO of Ward Media and the publisher of NCW News, Cashmere Valley Record, Lake Chelan Mirror, The Leavenworth Echo, Quad City Herald, and the Wenatchee Business Journal. He can be reached at


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